18 September 2010

wanna holidays~~

By Unknown at 7:51:00 AM

oh my gosh!!
holidays gonna end and i'm gonna back to a place that i not really like~~actually..
i should slap myself or splash my face with some water to wake up myself from reality..
u know..
dis few days i just stay at home without do anything because i get a stupid red eye syndrome..
i really miss out lots of chances hanging out with my friends in this end of holidays..
sorry guys~~
and this few days u won't know how i spend my days & nights..
it's kinda boring if i tell u~~
i spend all my times in this week to steep  in the love story of korean drama & imagine how i will be if i'm one of the character in Gossip Girl~!!!
omg omg omg~~
i can't believe that i didn't sleep to rush on finish the korean drama...
i'm not a drama "addictor"~~
especially korean drama..
i means i like drama but i won't spend my sleeping time and use on it~~
this thing will oni happen during my highscool period but not now...
Gossip Girl~~!!
it really made me freaking crazy with it~~
i finish season 2 & 3 just in this few days..and season 4 is release now~~!!
gosh~~i can' wait to follow the story of S & B~~~
actually..i'm not really love the clumsy & intricacy connection among them~~
what i hope is Serena is aways with Dan ,
 & the evil couple~~Blair & Chuck will always sticks together
and undeniable Nate is with Vanessa~~
but the story sounds like boring if like that..
but it is quite annoying sometimes when you watch them treat their relationships juz like~~uhum..
i dunno~~easy & go??
means suddenly Nate is with Blair back and Vanessa make out with Chuck on the other side~~
but it is pretty describe our high school life and even university life well~~
don't you think so?
just ignore it if you can't accept what i'm writing~~
juz wondering my korean spelling test is on next Thursday~!!
i haven't start with it at all~~
i must put some effort on it since didn't get satisfied result last test!!
stop dreaming in the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite~!!!
and come back to UPM's life~~!!!

~~u know where she is~~?
~~n who am i~~?
~~there aways is a secret i haven't tell~~
~~u know u luv me~~

S.L.A.P~!!ok~~wake up~~!!

3 Secrets:

Smin said...

same here...k korean drama together v lynn 我的女友是九尾狐,恶作剧2吻 & 个人取向~~^^

Unknown said...

i wan 恶作剧之吻~~~九尾狐nice o??

Anonymous said...

haha, yea lo,suddenly got red eyes so wasted. Geez geez, take care la and enjoy ur uni life~~~

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